Accordion Playing and Musical Ensemble Services

Accordion Player

Jerry King is a professional accordionist who is considered a virtuoso in his field by many. He has worked professionally since the age of 13 and studied at the Chicago School of Music.  

Jerry's repertoire seems endless, knowing thousands of songs from memory and playing your favorites upon request.  He features standards, love songs, movie themes, show tunes and ethnic music, and at times may add a hint of jazz where needed.

IL. His past engagements include La Creperie since 1987 and Carlos’ Restaurant (now Nieto’s) in Highland Park, IL since 1989. 

Petite Fleur

Under Paris Skies

Oye Negra

How High The Moon

Lady Of Spain

French Accordion Player

Let Jerry King and his music add the finishing touch to your very special occasion. 
Contact Jerry at 773-671-4440 or 773-465-0028 or

Click here for accordion repair services

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